

How to Cite
Arango Arango, J. C. (2021). Great challenges of education. Dialogus Jornal, (3), 53–64. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i3.504
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Education is a construction that seeks to form free and competent subjects for a society increasingly demanding so it is intimately linked to the human condition in its multiple dimensions, therefore, it is a social fact that runs under political environments. Now, within the sciences of education, pedagogy is called to claim the highest place, due to its object, methodology, methods and models, which seeks to transform individuals into free, competent citizens with autonomous thinking. In this way educational institutions must collect and address all the needs of the context in which they are immersed, because we cannot think of a closed and isolated school of doors, we must conceive it as a very important institution together with others in society, in which interrelationships are built and recreated. Now, it was time to rethink the methodologies used in the educational process and move from transmisionism to active pedagogy where a passive student passes to one that is responsible for their own learning and that of others, relying on new technologies but without lose sight that you cannot download all the responsibility in these because we cannot forget that education is a human act.



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