

How to Cite
Ramírez Giraldo, M. del S., & Cuartas Franco, L. M. (2021). The face of the person in the investigation with case studies. Dialogus Jornal, (3), 23–33. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i3.496
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The essay proposed is a documentary, it tries to reveal the existent relationship between the metaphor face and person and the inquiry processes had in the research with a case study. The core of the conceptual tissue in which the arguments are built, is given by the necessity of setting emphasis on the implied’s participation and their protagonist role in the obtainment of researching experience that goes beyond statistical generalizations, quantitative analysis, prediction, and probabilistic measuring. The focus of interest is to establish that a person, through their subjectivity built throughout their face as a symbolic and imaginative resource, is essential for the development of a cases study, establishing thus, its scientific and social permanence out of  mental models, analytic comprehension and critical interpretation of an analysis unit, a fact or a phenomenon in its direct relationship with the context of the participants.  



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