

How to Cite
Berrocal Ospino, M., & Iglet Páez, J. (2021). Investigative activity and its role in education and teacher training. Dialogus Jornal, (2), 40–47. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i2.482
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Educational research is the search for an explanation to the problems of the reality of education, data analysis, the development of approaches, among others; helping us to carry out a planning according to national educational policies. When conducting an educational research is seek to find solutions to social needs creating a positive impact by improving the quality of education. When a teacher is the one who decides to implement an investigation from classroom, is have the conception that can’t combine both tasks, as if he needed completely different and completely opposite abilities. The teacher can be considered a researcher and for this he needs solid methodological formation, if the teacher complies with said formation he would be able to carry out an effective educational research. When a teacher generates knowledge from own practice or experience, it should not seem abnormal because when reflecting on his professional work we will notice that the classroom is his laboratory and that his pedagogical actions are his experimental interventions. Teachers need to have the conditions that help them to do a good fieldwork and this can only be achieved through formation centers and the efforts of the teachers themselves who must seek the release of time to do so and the necessary tools for that purpose; It should be noted that a teacher without formation through research will not have enough tools to carry out a good research activity, which is why if we want to change the way teachers face an educational research is should reorganize or rethink study plans for future professional teachers.



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