

How to Cite
Ensuncho Diaz, G. M. (2022). Trends, challenges and opportunities for the transformation of higher education in Latin America. Dialogus Jornal, (8), 107–116. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i8.476
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The education as a right is an issue that requires constant reflections, aimed not only at discussing how to educate but also at proposing strategies, plans, programs and public policies that have a significant impact on guaranteeing a quality, pertinent and easily accessible education to the population. In Latin America, there are different forms of inequalities and different social problems that in one way or another have also impacted on education or perhaps the lack of access to education has impacted the social problems worsening due to the lack of equity in different spaces and contexts.

 This document takes a look at some of the trends and challenges that factors such as privatization, information and communication technologies, among others, have been generating in the field of higher education in Latin America, emphasizing the impact that these phenomena have on education systems and also presenting the possibility of new scenarios of transformation opportunities that can occur from the promotion of education as a public good committed to the development not only of the region but also globally.



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