

How to Cite
Ensuncho Hoyos, C. F., Almanza Barilla, J. C., & Arrieta Torres, D. P. (2022). Scientific research derived from the history of science. Dialogus Jornal, (5), 33–46. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i5.440
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The objective of this essay is to make a historical review of the development of the sciences and to make an approach to the bases of scientific research. It is a misconception to limit science to the knowledge enclosed in the walls of a laboratory, or to refer to some areas of knowledge, when it is true that every time man, from the beginning, began to ask questions about himself and about the world around him, he began to do and produce science. Thus, the questions, the inquiries, the search, and the questions, the way to great discoveries that have allowed human beings to understand, understand themselves, explain and explain to themselves and to others about existential issues and the reason for things. This essay will outline how man, as a reasonable being, is capable of creating science through research, due to his innate capacities of observation, reflection and innovation. It is not necessary to be a scientist to investigate, but to have a critical and methodical capacity and disposition, and a social sensibility to generate transformation not only in one's own existence but also in what for many may be unattainable.



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