

How to Cite
Puerto Zabala, P. Y., & Présiga Vargas, C. A. (2022). Epistemology, Realism and Idealism, Media Stances in Education. Dialogus Jornal, (6), 97–105. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i6.420
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 This paper allows to know about the origins and definitions on some concepts such as epistemology, Idealism and realism which they have determined the way education has taken at some moments in history. First, Epistemology is defined according to some authors based on the main purpose; then, Realism and Idealism are defined from their roots and their origins in ancient Greece with Platón and Aristoteles. It also describes how the concepts have evolved. In the same way, it is mentioned under what condition these concepts have been present in the education system and in its fields such as study plans, pedagogy, didactics, and in general in its entire structure. There is also a contrast between realism and idealism since they are opposite in their way of describing the world around us. A look at education in Latin America is made, emphasizing quality, and the way in which governments have drawn up some policies that have determined its advance or decline. This look is done taking as a starting point and the common thread the concepts on which the essay revolves. Finally, some conclusions are made about the importance of idealism, realism and epistemology in the evolution of education.



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