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Corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate social responsibility (CSR), environmental social responsibility (RSA), social awareness (CS), environmental awareness (CA) or environmental social awareness (CSA) and social responsibility (RS), the latter , is pointed out as the intentions, actions, consequences based on current knowledge with principles in ethical and moral values that govern human behavior in societies. In addition to this, sustainable social responsibility (RSS) is interpreted as environmental awareness of the subject and their communities regarding better behaviors and habits. However, the planet is currently going through a severe health crisis for the human species that has forced them to take shelter in their homes, while the planet recovers. RS addresses several components among them; governance, social cartography, labor practices, environmental defense such as the planet's environmental crisis and its social impacts that are deteriorating all living environments. Globalization and its continuous changes in its modernity are affecting an important sector such as education, in compliance with goals, number of students enrolled and graduated, job positioning, training in skills and all those in relation to quality education in the new societies. Globalization seen from an educational perspective is characterized by preparing people to be competitive in every field, such as economic, social, political, environmental, cultural, and geographic, to help communities to have sustainable development, while It creates global networks and interactions between sectors and people from other countries to maintain a relationship between them that allows making decisions and actions that influence not only locally but also globally.
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