

How to Cite
Laverde Agudelo, G. M. M. (2022). Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: a look at Colombia, Chile and Panama. Dialogus Jornal, (7), 97–107. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i7.347
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Education in Latin America and the Caribbean has shown some changes that have arisen since the creation and adoption of some public policies of the countries that comprise it. Some manage to advance and improve more quickly than their neighbors; Although many of the problems or difficulties that need to be overcome are replicated among several of them, the solution is not the same due to the diversity of the territories and the contextual differences. This essay takes a tour of the characteristics and differences present between 3 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean: Colombia, Chile and Panama, and also analyzes the organization of their educational systems, based on some of the policies implemented to solve specific problems, the analysis of results in international tests and advances in different aspects and goals that are proposed, to achieve being at the forefront of world advances and requirements of new societies; without losing sight of its identity as a country, but taking into account the orientations and guidance that some world organizations such as the United Nations (UN), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), provide them by focusing their efforts on helping to improve the quality and equity of education in the world; having as a goal the importance of guaranteeing education for all. Finally, it can be concluded that each country has managed to advance towards the educational improvement of its citizens, that laws and policies need to become actions that allow to experience change; Although they are far from the achievements of other countries such as Europeans, there is still hope in this continent to achieve great goals from the work of the entire community.



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