

How to Cite
López Valencia, D. L. (2022). Trends and challenges of education systems for the 21st century. Dialogus Jornal, (7), 63–78. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i7.301
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This essay analyzes the trends of the educational systems, as part of a process that determines their importance to face four challenges of education in the XXI century. Internationalization, modernization and learning of emotions; they are basic theoretical to adequately understand revolution 4.0, the fourth objective of sustainable development (ODS), the STEAM model (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) and digital transformation; to advance in the search for quality, innovation and relevance. The most important thing is to carry out these transformations creatively, intelligently and without losing sight of the fact that the human being is the one who learns and the one who thinks, that pedagogy precedes technology, that emotions cannot be left to chance and that education It should not compete with learners in the field of electronic devices, because they, as digital natives, walk much further than their teachers, parents, and even than the institutions themselves. The training that is intended from these perspectives is a conceptual, methodological and practical input for the school to adjust its mental, organizational, pedagogical, didactic and curricular models; with the purpose of strengthening the competences of the students, to improve their processes of interpretation, argumentation, reasoning, autonomy, research and innovation; within a framework of beliefs, values, principles and ontological and ethical assumptions with a high humanizing content.



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