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The objective of this article is to reveal the connection between the philosophy of science and qualitative research, from a deep bibliographical review that starts from its history and foundations to the conceptions and contributions of current theorists. The methodological treatment was based on the hermeneutics, based on the documentary review, starting from the sources survey and the reflexive production of the author. With respect to the results, it was possible to recognize that the relationship between qualitative research and philosophy of science is complex but essential to understand the nature and purpose of research in the social sciences. Furthermore, it was revealed that, while qualitative research immerses itself in the deep understanding of social phenomena, philosophy of science provides the theoretical framework for evaluating the validity and nature of the knowledge generated. With respect to the acceptance of subjectivity and interpretation in qualitative research, it was found that it is aligned with constructivist and hermeneutic perspectives in the philosophy of science. It can be concluded that the relationship between qualitative research and philosophy of science is dynamic, marked by a complex interaction between the search for deep understanding and the need for scientific rigor. It is important to highlight as a product of this dissertation that both disciplines benefit each other, challenging and enriching the way in which research in the social sciences is conceived, executed and evaluated.
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