

How to Cite
Gonzalez Alzate, O. A., & Aguilar Rivero, G. E. (2024). The pedagogical configurational decet. Dialogus Jornal, 1(13), 76–97. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i13.1398
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The general purpose of this research article was to determine the relationship between the principles of Neuroeducation and the bases of Montessori Thinking in the teaching pedagogical configuration. This research was framed from interparadigmatic complementarity through mixed methodology with a qualitative-quantitative sequential exploratory design carried out in 3 phases: prelude phase (moment one): qualitative analysis with interpretive hermeneutic method for teachers of the Ocuzca Educational Institution from the municipality of Anserma/Caldas; interlude phase (moment two): MicMac Structural Analysis – Godet method with experts in Pedagogical matters; and the postlude phase (moment three): quantitative analysis with descriptive statistics and a sample of 35 teachers. The results essentially reveal that the relational configuration of teachers and the positive emotional configuration of teachers in the educational institutions of the municipality of Anserma Caldas are not stable, balanced, much less leveled. These derivations enable the construct of a theoretical and practical alternative called “Pedagogical Decet” that enables the construction and configuration of the teacher's pedagogical action to optimize and improve the teaching and learning process based on the functioning of the brain.



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