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The present study aimed to analyze students' perceptions of death, morality, and learning processes through the Netflix series "Squid Game," as well as the teacher's perspective when addressing aspects of this series as a learning factor. Based on the interpretive paradigm, it employed the phenomenological-hermeneutic method and used in-depth interviews as the data collection instrument. The study utilized the focus group technique through an in-depth interview with 20 students in the 5th year of General Media Education divided into 4 groups of five (5) students. Similarly, a group of 8 teachers condensed into a focus group was selected. After learning about the students' perceptions regarding death, the analysis was presented to the teachers so that they could express, according to their criteria, how these new categories could contribute emotionally and pedagogically to learning. Teachers praised the series "Squid Game" as an effective tool to stimulate critical thinking and promote enriching dialogue in the classroom. The study's conclusions highlight the importance of addressing delicate and controversial topics contextually in education. This series provides students with a safe space to explore complex issues such as death and morality, allowing them to reflect on their own beliefs and values. Additionally, the study suggests that students' perceptions of these topics are influenced by educational and cultural factors.
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