

How to Cite
Aguirre Quintero, J. P. (2023). Children’s games as a playful strategy to improve inclusion: Against educational exclusion. Dialogus Jornal, (12), 37–52. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i12.1184
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The main agents of any educational institution are the students, therefore, their behavior inside or outside the classroom is a matter of analysis and debate, since they reflect their personality, coexistence, socialization and integration with others; Thus, through the implementation of children's games as playful strategies, it is intended to improve not only the coexistence, but also the inclusion and active participation of students; for this, in the present strategies were designed based on the critical-social epistemology, through an action research under a qualitative approach of descriptive type, with quantitative techniques including: 2 surveys with 10 questions for teachers and parents, and 1 observation sheet with 10 items to observe in students, all, through a methodological structure where the researcher had a direct relationship with the researched population, in its context, advocating for the transformation of community behaviors. As a result of the above, among other things, recreational activities were designed to strengthen coexistence and thus, the emotional development of the students, as well as training for all parents on how to recognize behaviors that indicate exclusionary behaviors.



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