

How to Cite
Munevar Saenz, A., & Munevar Sáenz, A. K. (2023). Wounaan language in the educational context as a process of intercultural communication. Dialogus Jornal, (12), 12–27. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i12.1175
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This article aims to recognize the Wounaan language in the educational context as a process of intercultural communication and to demonstrate from the normativity the relevance of the intercultural language in education. In that sense, Wounaan is a dialect of the indigenous people and their cultural environment in the Chocó department of Colombia; as a result of violence and forced displacement, its inhabitants migrate to the capital cities. A review describes the development of a number of studies that justify it. The methodology had a post-positivist paradigm, with a qualitative approach and documentary design, because information was collected from reliable sources. Similarly, a review of the language in Colombia is being carried out, highlighting the different institutions and rights that support indigenous groups and their diversity. The results and conclusions analyze the presence of the Colombian state in educational institutions supporting policies for the protection of dialects as well as the Ministry of National Education promoting the policy of protection of ethnolingual diversity with the aim of protecting native languages, recognizing the value of the other and the living acts in the educational centres; although there are gaps with the teachers speaking from the different scenarios to defend and enact languages simultaneously, training should be carried out to teachers in order to continue to generate inclusion of these dialects in the education context and also to know the policies with which the government works.



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