Revista Oratores - No. 3 - Diciembre 2015 - Mayo 2016


How to Cite
Pérez Cedeño, Y. (2017). University social responsibility as core luz-col community center task. Oratores Journal, (3), 8–35.
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The research aimed to set up social responsibility Core LUZCOL, through a set of policies, administrative management strategies and participatory social action, that link and consolidate the core LUZCOL, as the center of community work, within the context of Ambrosio Parish, Township Cabimas, Zulia state, referenced by the theoretical model of university service, which contribute the practice of sustainable endogenous development of intra-extra university community, from an environment focused on respect, moral, ethical and civic values ??in order faculty, staff, workers, and groups to families, neighbors, businesses, cognitive, economic, cultural and spiritual progress, in which all players in this project (education program students engage 8th semester University environment). To do this taked into account the theories discussed by various authors, who conceptualized the criteria for Community work, social responsibility in university education institutions. This study was framed within the research environment in critical reflective paradigm, following the footsteps of a projective methodology. It was developed for stage data collection; one, open, axial and selective coding, using as technique the semi-structured interviews, recordings, photographs, participant observations, gathered through research units that share the university and community environment, their processing will be developed through the program, Atlas Tic, triangulations , grounded theory and comparative, simultaneously with coding that emerges from the properties, dimensions and relationships between concepts, obtained by carefully unravel the contributions of informants and participatory actions.



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