

How to Cite
Mogollón Guzmán, C. S. (2022). Use of an educational software to mediate reading-writing difficulties, in the logographic and alphabetical phases. Oratores Journal, (17), 60–75. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n17.746
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For the mediation of literacy difficulties that usually occur in the initial achievement and alphabetic phases, in addition to using traditional teaching methods, the use of innovative pedagogical and didactic strategies is also required, in order to achieve optimal results in students, for For this reason, this research proposal is proposed, which aims to incorporate Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), specifically through the appropriate use of multimedia educational software, so that it serves as support to the educator in his pedagogical action, thus promoting the development of cognitive, linguistic and practical skills of students at this stage of life and therefore in the rest of their training process, essential for better performance in their environment and in contemporary society.      

This article will begin with the contextualization and analysis of the problem to be investigated, in the second instance the theoretical and conceptual foundation that scientifically supports the associated theme will be addressed and finally the methodological aspects with which the research project will be faced will be determined and justified. , for which the level of deepening, the proposed purposes, the object of study and the epistemological foundation of the research design will be taken into account.



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