

How to Cite
Pérez Theran, A., & Cola López Echaniz, E. . (2022). Teaching strategy for the improvement of reading comprehension based on mediation by the teacher as a teaching factor attributable in rural educational institutions. Oratores Journal, (17), 42–59. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n17.721
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This study presents the results related to the investigative process carried out with the essential purpose of proposing a didactic strategy for the improvement of reading comprehension based on the mediation made by the teacher as an attributable pedagogical factor in the rural educational institutions of Pueblo Nuevo. , department of Córdoba, Colombia. The investigation starts with a diagnosis to know the reading comprehension skills in all levels of primary and secondary school, through a pretest, which allowed identifying the specific situation of the educational context of the students. The phenomenological reduction method is assumed, with an ethnographic investigative approach, which leads to a type of mixed study, with a mixed approach; the instruments used were; a Focus Group, Reading Comprehension Test (pre and post) with the purpose of establishing the current reading comprehension ability and the variations with the implementation of new strategies and expressed in specific sub-skills. The population was made up of 4,133 students from 13 IEs and the significant sample, also 246 teachers, constituted sample units.

The conclusions considered the elaboration of a didactic strategy for the improvement of reading comprehension from the mediation made by the teacher as an attributable pedagogical factor, the information obtained, in addition to the proposal, designed, are part of both the general and specific purposes. that were addressed. The research hypothesis "The design of a didactic strategy does allow the improvement of reading comprehension from the mediation made by the teacher as a pedagogical factor". It was proven successful, since the implementation of the proposal and the changes detailed in the results and analysis, ratify the improvements obtained through the implemented educational strategy.

Keywords: Reading comprehension, Teaching mediation, Language, Didactic strategy, Rural education.



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