

How to Cite
Suárez, M. M. (2022). The history of evangelization in latin america. Oratores Journal, (15), 123–131. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n15.605
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Critical essay on the priority task of the Church: Evangelization. Especially in our Latin America. A theological reflection on the following questions: Will it make any sense today to speak of a pastoral option in our Latin American Church? Is the Latin American Church considering the search for new missionary strategies that are in line with the socio-economic development of Latin America? Have the different episcopal conferences carried out any serious evaluation of the good practices and their methods used in the development of the evangelization of our Latin America? What have been the fruits that the Latin American Church has reaped during its actions of evangelization? Being a Church with more than 500 years of presence in different socio-political states, the Church must consider the need to rethink itself for the benefit of everyone on the planet, an opening of its principles and dogmas would allow us to have a broader concept of our vision and mission in accordance with the current situation we live in the world.



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