

How to Cite
Calderón Chavarro, G. R., Martínez Madrigal, J. P., & Villamizar Vera, M. E. (2022). The Pragmatism as a guiding epistemic model for teaching activity in rural areas. Oratores Journal, (15), 132–140. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n15.573
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Rural education in Colombia has been facing a series of problems over the years, ranging from government policies to the teaching-learning process in each of the rural education institutions in Colombia, and it is precisely the issue that we summons, disarticulate the academic assumptions and the ignorance of a specific paradigm from which the teacher is carrying out his pedagogical practice. This paper seeks to reflect on the importance of the teacher in rural areas, starting from an epistemic model that allows him to assess the student's knowledge that is not part of universally accepted content. It also proposes that research be a constant activity in pedagogical practice, finding in action research an alternative that demonstrates the benefits of the pragmatic empirical epistemic model to carry out actions that allow the observation of educational practice, reflection on it and the construction of improvement plans that seek to perfect day by day the way of transmitting and modulating knowledge and knowledge in the classroom.



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