

How to Cite
Guerra Meza, P. R. (2021). The teaching practices of argumentation in rurality. between conceptions and experiences. Oratores Journal, (14), 111–126. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n14.538
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This research article was born as a space for reflection on the research carried out with the University of Antioquia The teaching practices of argumentation from a sociocultural approach, an approach to basic primary education in rural areas, which I carried out in 2016. This is intended to show the problematic issue of approaching argumentation teaching practices in rural areas, since the social implications that this practice generates in children if it were developed properly are unknown. This would position him as a social, critical and reflective being before others. In the first measure, it will begin with the description of the problematic issue evidenced in a Rural Educational Center, generating a discussion between the reality found, the approaches of external authors and my own reflection as a teacher, observer and as a researcher. Later, the results of the documentary analysis carried out to make an approximation to the theoretical, investigative and legal background on the treatment of the teaching of argumentation in recent years will be presented. Finally, the conclusions will show the final results of the research experience. Results that revolve around the understanding of argumentation teaching practices from the social function derived from the sociocultural approach. This will allow us to reflect on the behaviors, uses and ways in which teachers develop these practices at school.



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