

How to Cite
Cruz Echeverri, D. A. (2021). Categorization of difficulties associated to the learning of the whole numbers. Oratores Journal, (14), 91–110. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n14.537
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Within the processes of learning in the area of mathematics, it is possible that we have had difficulties originated by diverse aspects, for example, by the nonunderstanding of the worked concept, fear to be mistaken or to speak in public, conflicts to verbalize, jams with the memory, some cognitive condition, misfortune or apathy by the own mathematics, and thus of the sort other reasons that can be mentioned, nevertheless, he is not possible that these difficulties have the same nature, perceiving in my experience like educational that some students reflect during the practical understanding of the concepts, but in the presentation of written tests they do not reflect performances such, for example. The use of the term does not have then to be standardized “learning difficulties” to catalogue students, with the ignorance of which it precedes to a manifestation that can give indications of it more and when the possibility exists that is not it. In the route of this study, the tracking of some referring investigations to the subject in mention is made, trying to make clarity in which it is the learning and some of its faculties, in agreement with Claxton (2001) and Schunk (2012) mainly, the mathematical knowledge, on difficulties of learning in mathematics and finally, in the subject of the evaluation, centering the attention in the mathematical concept referring to the whole numbers, in correspondence with the degree seventh of secondary basic education.



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