

How to Cite
Valencia Montero, M. I., Carvajal Tovar, S., & Estupiñan Gómez, F. A. (2021). Perspective on didactic processes in the competence approach. Oratores Journal, (14), 55–71. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n14.534
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This article presents an analysis of the competence approach, using a documentary review methodology, for which a documentation process is carried out by authors such as Tobón (2005), Velázquez y Frola (2011), Badilla, who propose this approach as an option towards educational quality.. In the process it is evident that the construction of the concept of competences has been influenced by different disciplinary trends and changes in the social and economic aspects, contributions that in some way have contributed to its evolution, but have also misrepresented the essence of what it is to train from the approach and this has made it difficult to design and execute an academic plan. Likewise, it is mentioned that the didactic processes are conformed by a starting, developing and closing structure, in which they articulate a series of didactic sequences in order to plan the education by competences. Regarding to the evaluation by competences, it stablish an unbeatable opportunity for each person to demonstrate mastery of what it is learned in any context at the time that it is required, there it lies that it is not only acquiring knowledge, but knowing how to develop and articulate it.



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