Revista ORATORES 11


How to Cite
Sánchez Henao, M. (2020). School coexistence: A way to build peace in school through a model of restorative justice. Oratores Journal, (11), 95–107.
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The scholar coexistence as tool for people to get related in a pacific way, uses strategies as the conflict resolution comunication, where respect as a sourse of action, allows the acceptance of the this article is to present a model of the restaurative justice process applied to the school, where the punitive vision is overcome to give space to the restaurative vision, wich enhances responsability, ethics, values an promotes the pacific coexistence. The scholar coexistence involves the filfillment of rules set by the group, the cordial treatment as a way to foment friendships, and the participation inside the group to discover the talents that each member can contribute to the personal and social development of whole educational institution. This process requieres actions wich allows, not only the conciliation on conlict moments, but repair the damages in case of transgressions, and propitiate the neccesary reflexion so these facts doesn´t repeat. To get this done, the incorporation of the restaurative justice in the school establishes an element which can give rules for students, teaches, executives, relatives, comunity members and so for the scholar coexistence committee and the municipal coexistence committee. This rules include the procesal guide of each fact, situations assesment, the responsabilities admission,  arbitrarion as an structured space and guided to assist the involved ones, facts socialiation, restitution of the caused damage, agreements supervision, and reconciliation with the other, so that a relationship can be stablished without grudges.



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