Revista ORATORES 11


How to Cite
Portillo Wilches, J. C. (2020). Quality education and curriculum: A look from the contemporary trends and the role of the teacher. Oratores Journal, (11), 50–62.
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The aim of this essay is to investigate the most relevant characteristics of the main contemporary curricular tendencies, as well as to look at the role that the teacher must play in each of them, so that they can contribute in an effective way to improve the quality of Education. It begins explaining the complexity that underlies from the same moment that it is tried to define what is the education of quality, later three questions are posed: What are the contemporary curricular tendencies? what are their characteristics? And what role does the teacher play within them? After the documentary review and in response to the first question are cited among others (1) curricular flexibility, (2) the focus by competencies, (3) the project approach, (4) the incorporation of manifestations of the hidden curriculum to the curriculum in action, and (5) the inclusion of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the definitions, characteristics and criticisms of each of them are detailed below. It is emphasized that the studied trends can be complemented, since they have common points such as the need to contextualize and the call made to teachers to abandon the traditional teaching paradigms and the comfort zone.



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