

How to Cite
Hernández, D., & Losada, B. (2017). Documentary review of information technologies and communications (ICT) applied in colombian secondary education. Oratores Journal, (7), 57–76. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n7.205
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In order to evaluate the relevance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the colombian middle education, it was taken the research history on the subject, advanced in the departments of Cauca and Tolima, as well as in the municipalities of Soledad Department of Atlántico), Muzo and Chiquinquirá (Department of Boyacá). In the last population, a case study was conducted at the Los Comuneros Educational Institution, through the application of structured interviews and surveys in 16 teachers and 53 students, under the criterion of determining the state in which they are located, of the "Educational innovation in Colombia: good practices for innovation and ICT in education" (2016) and "Technology for the transformation and improvement" of education: experiences of success and expectations for the future ", (2014) evidence the improvement of students in public tests of multiple choice called SABER 11 when ICT is applied. In addition, the documentary review of the studies carried out by the Santillana Foundation and the Colombian Ministry of National Education (MEN), reflected on the sum of elements related to the proposed topic, generating as results and conclusions that a didactic model should be created to from ICT, strengthen teacher training and adapt the infrastructure of educational sites to the technologies in vogue, all in terms of improving the quality of education.



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