

How to Cite
González Ali, P. G., Gutiérrez Echeverría, R. E., & Severiche Sierra, C. A. (2024). Management of autonomous transport technologies in home logistics: proposal for a model in urban environments. Oratores Journal, 1(20), 29–48. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n20.1464
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The objective is to propose a management model for autonomous air and land transportation technologies in home logistics. The epistemological foundation is based on the positivist paradigm, quantitative method and descriptive and correlational approaches. The research was of an explanatory, field type, with a non-experimental and descriptive transactional design, the sample corresponds to twenty-eight (28) courier companies, selected through intentional non-probabilistic sampling based on selection criteria. The research was developed using the survey technique, with a questionnaire of fifty-three (53) items; which was validated through expert judgment. The results obtained from the Autonomous Transportation Technology variable generally indicated little presence of the proposed indicators. However, the results suggest that, although there is currently little availability of options in the market for autonomous vehicles suitable for the urban transportation of goods in the population under study, the adoption of autonomous transportation technologies and the automation of business processes are projected. as attractive options to improve the management of home delivery companies in Valledupar. The data presented previously suggests that the majority of respondents agree that technology can be useful to better organize delivery routes, optimize merchandise collection processes and improve overall efficiency. Subsequently, based on the information collected in the research, the technological management model was generated for home logistics companies that implement autonomous land and air transportation systems.



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