

How to Cite
Llanusa Ruiz, C., Gutiérrez Zehr, J., & Sotillo Bent, L. A. (2017). Evaluation of knowledge on risk factors associated with congenital defects in women in reproductive age in Panama. Oratores Journal, (6), 70–82. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n6.140
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Congenital anomalies are the second cause of death in children under 28 days and less than 5 years in the american region. Considering the mortality reports in Panama, the objective of the study was to identify the knowledge about the risk factors for congenital defects, in a group of women of reproductive age in Panama. This research was descriptive and prospective and extended from November 2015 to September 2016. The population was composed of all women of reproductive age who attended various institutions linked to the project participants in Panama City, being the estimated 1000 women. The sample consisted of 400 women, who represented 40% of the population and who voluntarily wished to participate in the research for which questionnaires were applied. The sample was calculated with a confidence level of 99% and a margin of error of 5%. The data were tabulated anonymously and processed by EPI-INFO, determining frequency and percentages, which allowed making comparisons. At least one third of the interviewees were not able to identify each risk factor evaluated, correctly. Among the risk factors related to congenital defects, the use of psychoactive substances was not recognized equally by the same number of interviewees. It was alarming that more than half of these women, do not consider that drinking any amount of alcohol in pregnancy is a risk factor. There is a deficient knowledge according to the perception of the women interviewed, of the factors involved in the origin of the congenital anomalies, many of them controllable and whose exposure can be avoided in pregnancy. This leads to reflect on the need to develop preventive strategies.



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