

How to Cite
Acosta Faneite, S. F., & Puche-Villalobos, D. J. (2024). Student learning processes from a teacher’s perspective. Oratores Journal, 1(20), 112–137. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n20.1322
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The purpose of the research consisted of analyzing the learning processes of students from the teachers' perspective; for this purpose, the interpretative paradigm was followed, with a qualitative approach and a phenomenological method. The sample consisted of 16 teachers, divided into 8 professors from a national university in Lima, Peru, and 8 teachers from a public university in Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela. The technique used to collect the information was a semi-structured interview, as an instrument, a flexible interview guide with open questions was used, which consisted of 10 questions and were asked to the participants through the Zoom videoconferencing platform. Subsequently, the information collected was processed using the qualitative analysis program ATLAS.Ti, allowing the categorization of the interviewees' testimonies and the triangulation of the information. The respect and well-being of the participants was guaranteed, obtaining their informed, voluntary and conscious consent prior to the study. The results indicated that the mental processes involved in information processing and learning achievement as expressed by the teachers are attention, perception, metacognition, awareness and regulation. They also pointed out that the learning processes used by students are synthesis, reflection, application, connection of ideas, critical thinking, organization of information, creativity and student autonomy. It was concluded that teachers recognize the ways in which students learn; however, they must adapt their teaching according to their learning styles to meet the individual needs of each student.



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