

How to Cite
Bohada Munevar, A. (2017). Reality of the disabled child in the school environment. Oratores Journal, (5), 193–199. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n5.104
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Ignorance about the specific and special educational needs attracts inadequate treatment of people with certain disabilities, making them dependent and lacking the use of teaching-learning process. So it is necessary to make an adjustment to all the shortcomings of the Educational Institution and human resources for the treatment of children is adequate and the process within the campus is carried out in the most appropriate way for each type of disability and that the institution will provide strategies for the development of new skills. To generate a real inclusive process should be clear that educational inclusion, is a response to the different social manifestations vying for systems that recognize the diversity in societies, needs and possibilities; therefore, it is not a matter of exclusive competence for people with disabilities; is not an issue exclusive education sector, is an intersectoral commitment to create conditions and improve the quality of life of human beings.



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