

How to Cite
Villadiego Sánchez, L. I., & Calics Salcedo, L. P. . (2022). The management of human talent: a catalystic element for success in current organizations. Dialogus Jornal, (9), 67–85. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.vi9.731
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A society characterized by accelerated changes, challenges organizations to promote the development of competencies that allow them to adapt, evolve and respond effectively to the demands of the contexts. This article develops the premises that support an approach to the knowledge of the evolution of Human Resource Management, its importance in Organizational Management, the inherent processes and functions, as well as the techniques that are currently used for its management; based on the findings of the documentary review. It also establishes a relationship with the school environment and the challenges faced by the school to respond to the demands of efficiency and effectiveness. Teamwork, horizontal hierarchical structures, flexible and remote workforce, alignment of personal and organizational interests and the ability to adapt and overcome adverse environments, among others, are the current organizational trends for Human Talent Management, which suggests then, the challenge of knowing them, identifying the appropriate ones for each contextual environment, within the framework of a Strategic Management, in order to strengthen organizational cultures and climate, so that they become competitive and impact on the achievement of institutional goals and objectives.



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