

How to Cite
González Doria, A. C. (2021). Modernization of higher education. Dialogus Jornal, (3), 45–52. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i3.503
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The cognitive characteristics and the high degree of reasoning that the human being has has allowed it to evolve in a surprising way, the development of activities that allow subsistence, the possibility of modifying and taking advantage of its environment, is remarkable. Despite this, lamentable chapters have appeared throughout history, where intolerance, ambition, the thirst for power, among others, have caused events of extreme violence, behavior that, within the social logic, is far of a high intellect, since the communicative functions must be sufficient to find solutions. After an exponential population growth and in the face of the challenges posed by the consumption of resources, it is fundamental, to guarantee coexistence, that behaviors of peaceful conflict resolution are promoted, since within most countries, confrontations still occur civil that threaten the well-being of many inhabitants and cause unfortunate collateral damage, for which viable alternatives must be established in the way in which differences are resolved. Given the conditions of the peace process experienced in Colombia in recent years, the Chair of Peace, arises as an initiative that tries to produce a behavioral change in individuals who are in academic training, implementing, especially in early childhood education, where behavior modification is most effective.



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