

How to Cite
Amaya Muñoz, L. Y., Buitrago Chalarca, L. M., & Laverde Agudelo, G. M. (2021). Diversification and multiculturalism: a documentary investigation. Dialogus Jornal, (3), 10–22. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.vi3.497
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Within educational contexts, exclusionary processes are experienced that have been slowly improved over the years, recognizing the need to implement diverse and multicultural curricula that allow the transformation of classrooms, making use of existing resources, with an attitude of openness and acceptance by teachers, working collaboratively and as a team; Although current public policies and educational demands show an ideal under construction, the road ahead has only just begun in isolation from a small group of Institutions. The objective of this work is to make a documentary review that allows to demonstrate how in the historical journey of educational contexts it is about establishing an initial articulation between the concepts of diversity, multiculturalism and curriculum from public policies, educational institutions and finally to the form of thinking of the educational community, since that is where the work of transformation, construction and improvement of processes must begin. Thanks to the finding of information in different documents, books, magazines, articles…both physical and online, an interpretation is made of the most relevant ideas of the authors on how diversity and multiculturalism have taken shape in current curricular conceptions and trends; A global panorama is identified that is assumed by some Latin American countries to finally carry out an analysis of the construction carried out in Colombia. These documents provide contributions that strengthen the different concepts and concepts analyzed from the perspective of the authors of the text.



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