

How to Cite
Cortés Gamba, B. R., Puentes Herrán, E. L., & Rivera Acosta, D. A. (2021). The Research as part of teaching practice. Dialogus Jornal, (2), 31–39. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i2.481
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In humans, the need to do research, to question, analyze and find answers to their various questions is innate, generating a close relationship between knowledge and science. It is recognized that over the years the role of educators has been changing, previously the teacher was limited to transferring disciplinary content to students. However, at present the teacher inquires in the students about their previous knowledge and experiences; This allows epistemology to gain strength in the educational task. Another aspect addressed by this document is epistemology, which is in charge of the historical, psychological and social circumstances, that lead to obtaining knowledge, as well as obtaining the criteria that make it possible to invalidate or justify that knowledge. Furthermore, this document presents the educational realities of the world that have faced accelerated processes of transformation at a social, economic, technological, environmental and cultural level; it is there where epistemological studies answer the great questions that arise in educational work. The importance of research within teaching practice leads to improving the quality of teaching and learning in whatever educational setting. Also, the document highlights research as a rigorous, careful and systematized process in which it seeks to solve problems, since when speaking of scientific research, it’s possible to develop two important approaches: the qualitative and the quantitative; although both are part of scientific research.



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