

How to Cite
Castaño Hinestroza, M. (2021). Educational quality, research and education. Dialogus Jornal, (2), 21–30. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i2.480
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This essay aims to give a critical look at doing research, which is an ideal without its realization in teaching. The importance and the need for research in teaching is reviewed, it is even considered that one and the other should go in pairs, one is in solidarity with the other, they provide feedback. Likewise, an attempt is made to explain the reasons that have made it impossible for this ideal to materialize. The breaking of the content in favor of the form in the teaching process is explored, the methodology matters more than what is taught, an example of this are the so-called university education faculties that focus on this process only in the form, its Graduates come out with great skills in formulas or teaching methods but they do not have any mastery of a specific knowledge or, as has been said over and over again, they are very good at nothing.



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