

How to Cite
Rosero Calderón, O. A. (2021). Research methods from epistemic models. Dialogus Jornal, (2), 10–20. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i2.479
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The purpose of this paper is to take a tour of the main epistemic models associated with research processes, for this purpose it is deepened in concepts aimed at identifying what is model, epistemic and method, in order to establish a base of development in the elements to work. Later each of the main models is approached according to the classification made by Hurtado (2010), such as: Positivism, Empiricism, Rationalism, Historical-Dialectical Materialism, Sociological Pragmatism, Structuralism, Pragmatism; for each of these, is established your concept, main exponents and investigative methods.



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