

How to Cite
Puche, D. (2023). Research competencies of university professors in south America. Dialogus Jornal, (12), 72–91. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i12.1193
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The study aimed to analyze the research competencies of higher education teachers in South America. It employed the procedures of the positivist paradigm with a quantitative approach, categorized as explanatory. The population consisted of 135 university teachers from 9 South American countries, where Spanish is the official language, and who work in public higher education institutions, including Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. They were contacted through LinkedIn. Finally, the data were processed using SPSS version 27 software, and two-way tables were constructed, highlighting only the higher percentages. The result reveals a complex symphony of critical, technological, argumentative, and ethical skills, underscoring the need to promote continuous training programs that nourish and strengthen these competencies, thus fostering a qualified and ethically committed teaching staff for the advancement of knowledge in the region. It is concluded that, regarding the enthusiasm for acquiring new research methods, there are fluctuations in the levels of interest among respondents from different countries. Chile leads with 53% of participants expressing interest, closely followed by Paraguay and Ecuador with 51% and 50%, respectively. In contrast, Colombia records lower interest at 27%, while Argentina, Bolivia, and Venezuela show moderate rates in the range of 43 to 46%. Uruguay stands out with a robust 60% of teachers expressing interest. These results indicate disparities in the attitude toward exploring new research methods in the region.




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