

How to Cite
Rios Domínguez , I., Medina Arnedo, J., & Severiche Sierra, C. A. (2023). Preferences in the learning styles of students who begin secondary studies: application of the “Chaea Junior” questionnaire. Dialogus Jornal, (12), 28–36. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i12.1179
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Learning processes have evolved significantly over the years, as well as the vision that teachers are acquiring to adopt different strategies that strengthen the cognitive processes of students, since we all have particularities when transmitting and learning knowledge. We sought to identify the predominant learning styles in seventh grade high school students of the Fernando de la Vega Educational Institution in the city of Cartagena de Indias, through the CHAEA Junior questionnaire. A qualitative research approach is used, as it considers the understanding and meaning that people give to their environment. It is of a descriptive type since it describes the phenomena by collecting information from the main variable. There is no glimpse of a learning style that characterizes them, that is, no statistically significant difference.



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