

How to Cite
Alfonso Garzón, L. F., & LLanos Ayola, R. J. (2018). The modernization of education in Colombia: challenges and possibilities. Dialogus Jornal, (1), 39–45. https://doi.org/10.37594/dialogus.v1i1.153
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Man has the historical need to learn and to develop, every day he strives to achieve a better world in which he can exist, in an atmosphere of coexistence, inclusion and respect for the values and principles he professes. To achieve this end, man requires an integral formation that allows him to become a social being, able to coexist with others, that capacity to learn is achieved through education, which becomes the fundamental pillar of social development And economic development of a country.


Colombia is a country of contrasts in education, on the one hand significant progress has been achieved in terms of coverage, accessibility and inclusion, however there are barriers in public policy and those responsible for implementing such policy, which obey more To private interests, ignoring the effective enjoyment of the rights of citizens for a quality education.


The continuous changes in the modernization of education, by the different governments in turn, have generated uncertainty and negative experiences that diminish the chances of achieving the longed for an inclusive education and quality.


However, there is still the possibility of articulating efforts by different interest groups in order to effectively modernize education and to create global citizens with a multicultural approach capable of achieving a sustainable development of the country through Generation of new knowledge, research and development with creativity, in search of a more just and equitable society


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MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN NACIONAL. (Enero de 2004). Al Tablero. Recuperado el 10 de Febrero de 2015, de El periódico de un país que educa y que se educa.: http://www.mineducacion.gov.co/1621/article-87230.html
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