

How to Cite
Rodriguez C., F. E. (2022). The anxiety and depression in adolescents as conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Saluta, (6), 28–42. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i6.739
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This study was the principal objective to describe anxiety and depression disorders in adolescents as conditions related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The modality of the research is qualitative since it focuses the interest on the data and methods, in turn it is descriptive, because it describes statistical data, demonstrating the impact of the study on the population. The sample is of the census type, since all scientific information is important for the development of the study, that is, all the research units are taken as samples. Scientific-type studies from universities, scientific journals, health organizations in Spanish and English were included. The exclusion criteria did not take into account magazines, newspapers or surveys without a scientific basis. It is considered that it has validity and reliability of the research and statistical data, since the studies, being of a scientific nature, meet the basic reliability requirements of the instruments used for their development. At the end of the review, the average result for anxiety is 29.7, for depression 26.3 and stress 25.6, highlighting suicidal ideas with 8 to 10% of the population, of which the figures regarding the level extreme severe for anxiety are 12.7, for depression 9.1 and for stress between 3.8 and 6.09%. The results obtained agree with the figures provided by the WHO, the level of anxiety experienced by adolescents as extreme, represents almost half the percentage of cases of anxiety, followed by depression and stress with significant figures which indicates the problem that this pathology means for adolescents.



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