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The concept of technology has historically been complex. This complexity, as is logical, has permeated the school and in it the teaching of technological knowledge developed in the classrooms, especially at the level of basic education. This paper shares some advances made in the research carried out in the municipality of Lorica- Department of Córdoba, addressing the question: what supports underlie the classroom practices of teachers who are at the forefront of teaching technological knowledge. The qualitative data collection is carried out through individual in-depth interviews with teachers of the official sector at the basic level. The analysis of development data through theoretical sampling and the constant comparative method of Grounded Theory. The results rooted in the data demonstrate an understanding of the concept of technology from an artifactual conception that bases the experiences and teaching meanings of the teaching subjects of research. Finally, the need for reflection on the teachability of technological knowledge is discussed in the midst of conceptual confusion and the scarcity of technological resources in contexts of technological gap such as Cordovan.
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