

How to Cite
Osellame, G. (2022). The political constitution of Panama, as a guarantee of the market economy. Oratores Journal, (16), 155–167. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n16.694
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The history of the Panamanian isthmus, since time immemorial, has been linked to the benefits of its geographical narrowness, in relation to the natural transit of species and of course humans. In relation to the latter, migration from east to west, and after the conquest, from north to south especially, through land and sea connectivity, ending what in Panama is known as the transit economy. This model, based on trade, income and financial services, became the cornerstone of the national economy. Dr. Belisario Porras, in his project of a sovereign and independent nation, sanctioned the Code of Commerce in 1917, which was presented to the nation, more than a regulation of the acts of commerce and merchants, as a means in which the parties involved in the trade will find solutions to possible legal conflicts. Therefore, the rules on trade, try to be helpful, leaving the initiative of lucrative businesses to individuals, and this is guaranteed by our constitution.



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