

How to Cite
Norman Gómez, R. . (2022). Teaching conceptions of teaching and evaluative practices in mathematics. Oratores Journal, (16), 138–154. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n16.693
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Being the conceptions of a cognitive nature, they are not very evident and are oriented according to the criteria of the one who puts them into practice; therefore, “if the conceptions that inform evaluation practices became evident, teachers could discover the heterogeneity of conceptions that are guiding their evaluation practices and instruments, which tend to be very diverse and, on occasions, opposed” (Prieto and Contreras, 2008 p.7). Which reveals that conceptions are generally hidden by the very nature of people, which is why they have become so common that they go unnoticed. In this article, a bibliographic review is carried out to analyze the positions of different authors regarding the conceptions of teachers about teaching, evaluation and evaluative practices in mathematics, in order to understand the internal and external factors of the training process. It is concluded that the conceptions of teaching and the evaluative practices of teachers are the fundamental basis for directing the pedagogical processes in educational contexts, from the experiences of the actors involved.



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