

How to Cite
Huilcapi Masacón, M. R., Huilcapi Masacón, N. U., & Bayas Huilcapi, A. G. (2022). Quality management a reflection on customer loyalty in smes and local enterprises. Oratores Journal, (16), 13–24. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n16.686
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Large, medium and small companies aspire to develop wrapped in incessant technological advance, innovations have reached important dimensions that demonstrate the degree of quality management to retain customers, a process that demands responsibility, perseverance and perseverance for quality. The objective of this work is to reflect on quality management as a fundamental pillar for customer loyalty, the methodology used was quantitative, it allowed to analyze the problems related to quality management in SMEs and enterprises, the collection of the quantitative data was through surveys, in addition several authors of the quality and their philosophy are analyzed, the results and conclusions are shown.



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