Revista Oratores - No. 1 - Mayo Octubre de 2012


How to Cite
Rivera Cisneros, A. (2017). Exploración de modelos para el cambio personal y social: el modelo transteórico de Prochaska. Oratores Journal, (1), 38–51.
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This abstract contains a detailed description of James Prochaska theory, whom with his colleagues create a project: "The Transtheoric Model". This model contains six levels in order to develop a
successfully change of behavior, especially about behaviors that will be develop serious health problems.
Actually, those health problems related with life styles, are causing a spend of a great monetary cost for the government. Prevention is the key not only to spend less money, but to develop better and healthier habits. This model propose the transformation of behaviors in six steps, which includes ten processes that the person has to be through in order to advance at the next level, all explained in this paper. A detail information about the construction of Transtheoric Model is also the objective in the present paper beginning from several theories. Finally, it is mentioned some applications of Transtheoric Model in projects like eliminate smoking behavior, as same as other research which corroborate validity about this model in the classifications of steps according the attendants of Catholic University of Colombia.


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