

How to Cite
Miller Ramírez, G., & Ulloa de Samaniego, A. (2022). Shadow report: relevant topics on progress in cedaw compliance. Oratores Journal, (15), 58–84. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n15.604
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In participatory process began to prepare the Sombra Panamá Report, carried out by the Latin American Committee for the Defense of Women’s Rights (CLADEM) - Panama and the Family Studies and Training Center (CEFA), with support from a group of Panamanian researchers, to examine some issues that are considered relevant in the follow-up and monitoring of the measures established in the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and that should have been assumed by the Panamanian State, given the greater concern that it has about the levels of severity in issues of discrimination and violence against women, and that, in effect, had been the subject of recommendations by the Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, in its 2010 report. Recognizing that discrimination against women should only be understood by addressing its structural causes; among which stand out, socio-economic and gender inequalities. The report is based on a conceptual framework based on the principles of human dignity, international human rights and the human rights of women and girls; with a gender focus. Thus, the report begins with general references and under a participatory action methodology, the information was obtained. Next, the socio-economic and political context of the period studied (2012-2016) is exposed; and then the main findings that emerged from the consultation process carried out in six provinces of the country, through workshops, interviews and application of questionnaires to institutions, were described. Finally, the conclusions on each thematic area raised are presented, making a direct relationship with the recommendations of the CEDAW Committee to the Panamanian State in its 45th period of sessions (2010), the following results emerge from the consultations: The women consulted agreed that the specific obligation of the Ministry of Education in matters of sexual education is not being complied with, pointing out that the cause of this non-observance is the product of religious fundamentalisms and retarded groups that induce fear of have truthful and scientific information, in addition, the interviewees agreed that neither the INAMU, nor the CONVIMU and CONAMU fully comply with their obligations, both Law 4 on Equal Opportunities, and Law 82 on Violence against Women and in relation to the application of Law 82 of 2013, all the women surveyed responded that the provisions of said legislation were not being complied with.



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