

How to Cite
Quijano Cedeño, A. A., & Navarrete Pita, Y. (2022). The chemistry teaching: need for strengthening and understanding in high school students. Oratores Journal, (15), 13–23. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n15.603
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One of the great challenges of education is the promotion of quality teaching, which is interrupted by the lack of application of strategies that allow students to understand the contents. It can be alluded that there are several factors that interrupt the learning of chemistry because it is not a subject of great acceptance due to its level of difficulty. The objective of this research is to demonstrate the need to strengthen and understand the teaching of chemistry in high school students. In order to respond to the stated objective, several theoretical and empirical methods have been used, such as analysis and synthesis, inductive-deductive, documentary analysis, observation and surveys, which allowed the researchers to approach the object of analysis and to gather information in a more direct and precise way. From the results obtained from the methods and instruments applied, it has become evident that there is a great deficiency in the teaching of chemistry in high school students. This has had a direct impact on the quality of education and on the appropriation of knowledge of the subject by the students. It can be concluded that teachers should look for the best strategies and work alternatives to strengthen the understanding of chemistry, since it is a theoretical-experimental subject of vital importance for their educational process and their future professional life. The development and implementation of technological tools would favor the teaching-learning process of the subject and therefore their greater understanding, enthusiasm, motivation and desire to learn, which translates into better academic results.



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