

How to Cite
Hernandez, V. A., & Jordán, R. (2022). Instrumental technological competences of the primary education teachers, in the use of the Canaima free software of the public institutions. Oratores Journal, (15), 106–122. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n15.578
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The present article developed from a research, center its purpose in the study of the instrumental technological competences of primary education teachers, in the use of Canaima free software of public institutions. To do this, we went to the theoretical references of González (2003), Berral (2010), Badía (2006), Bermúdez (2010), among others. Methodologically it is a descriptive, field study, non-experimental in which a total of 36 teachers belonging to three educational institutions were taken as a population. An instrument consisting of 6 items, duly validated and with high reliability, was also developed. The results show that professional technological competences are presented at a medium level of development. This indicates that the teachers of these institutions know about computer programs and know about applications of online computer programs, but they must improve since the result reflected according to the scale It is not the most satisfying. While in methodological didactic technological competences they have a high level of development of them.



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