

How to Cite
Ensuncho Hoyos, C. F., & Almanza Barilla, J. C. (2021). The education system as an essential system for development and social transformation. Oratores Journal, (14), 144–156. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n14.540
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The objective of this essay is to make a critical review of how educational systems are structured for the formation of individuals who will be part of tomorrow’s societies. In order to do so, we seek to have through this reflection a better understanding of the components that are part of it, as well as of the educational types that operate in it. Modern nation states live immersed in innumerable systems that organize and structure the life of human beings in society. Systems and their subsystems are the result of human actions and constitute an important form of cultural transmission and social values. For this reason, the present essay aims to analyze the concepts that different authors put forward about the educational system and the characteristics that define them. Societies need educational systems to shape the citizens of tomorrow and thus have an organized and structured mechanism for the transmission of knowledge and values that allow the viability and productive sustainability of nations in future generations. For the analysis of these systems it will be necessary to know and develop certain concepts, without neglecting the importance and description of the characteristics of the different types of educational systems that exist today.



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