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Traditionalists and modernists, preservation of the authentic in the face of globalization, “art for art, knowledge for knowledge” Canclini (1989, p. 17), situation without borders, intervention of experimentation and innovation, myths for scientific knowledge, crafts by exploitation of resources, change of books and reading due to the massification of the media and information and their limited depth of the word. In this writing, a position is maintained from the relevance and love for history, cultural identity and education. In this story, one among the hundreds of indigenous peoples of Colombia, the Mhuysqas, taken as a case study, is considered in an experience of life and education from indigenous roots and from homeschooling. Thus, it starts as a premise of transformation in a multicultural world, a biodiverse Colombia with identity and subjectivities towards interculturality, as a way towards the rescue of traditions and modern citizenship. A look at the culture and history of the Mhuysqas people and the formation of a child, in which recognition and identity in multiculturalism and for interculturality are called, from education as an engine of change, with a modern vision of globalization, with the aim of continuing to innovate in educational practices through the recognition of cultural roots and the search for an identity society.
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