

How to Cite
Burbano Pérez, E. Y., & Torres, C. (2021). MAPIC didactic model for the teaching- leraning of chemistry in secondary education. Oratores Journal, (14), 38–54. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n14.533
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The teaching-learning process of chemistry in secondary education is recognized for its importance and complexity, which has led science didactics to focus on the constant search for innovative alternatives, aimed at minimizing the difficulties present in said process. The purpose of this article is to analyze the relevance of innovating the teaching-learning processes of chemistry through the Mapic didactic model (motivation, appropriation, praxis, interpretation and questioning), with high school students. The theoretical foundation that supports this model is supported by the socio-pedagogical theories proposed by Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, David Ausubel, Leontiev and Galperín, which allow us to explain and understand the importance of didactics in the construction of knowledge. Similarly, a small overview of some related models that have been applied to address the problems present in the aforementioned process is shown. The Mapic model, in addition to motivating, allows to recover and maintain the student’s interest in chemistry, favoring the development of comprehensive competencies, collaborative work and the construction of meaningful learning in this area, therefore, the use of this didactic model leads that the teaching-learning process of chemistry is in line with the challenges of modernism.



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